Third Historical Center Project
22 to 26 November 2023
LU152 - LU147 - LU159 - LU156 - LU146 - LU154 - LU152 - LU158
LU150 - LU160 - LU149 - LU162 - LU151 - LU161 - LU148 - LU157 - LU155
SI209 - SI217 - SI215 - SI212 - SI229 - SI211 - SI213 - SI216 - SI046 - SI210 - SI214
Chianciano Terme
SI023 - SI024
for a total of 30 DCI - WCA Objects
Number of QSOs |
5672 |
Number of Dupe QSOs (same Call, Band, Mode) |
4458 |
Operator(s) |
3 |
First QSO at |
2023-11-22 08:29z |
Last QSO at |
2023-11-26 13:05z |
Event duration |
4 days 04h 56m |
time |
31 hours 48 mins |
Average rate |
178.36 QSOs/h |
Best QSO Rate for 10 minutes period |
420 QSOs/hour at 2023-11-25 13:28:00 |
Best QSO Rate for 30 minutes period |
296 QSOs/hour at 2023-11-25 09:14:00 |
Best QSO Rate for 60 minutes period |
227 QSOs/hour at 2023-11-24 08:45:00 |
Distinct callsigns |
895 |
Distinct DXCC (if specified in the ADIF log) |
43 |
QSOs per band
40m : 3595 QSOs
20m : 1515 QSOs
30m : 522 QSOs
80m : 40 QSOs
QSOs per mode
SSB : 4902 QSOs
RTTY : 770 QSOs
Best Italian Hunters
IZ1JLP : 99 QSOs
IK1GPG : 87 QSOs
I6DHY : 68 QSOs
IV3YIB : 61 QSOs
IK2NBW : 56 QSOs
Best Foreign Hunters
OE3RGB : 89 QSOs
ON7RN : 85 QSOs
OM5TX : 44 QSOs
HB9EFJ : 43 QSOs
S58AL : 43 QSOs